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How to view submissions to a plan change

To view all submissions and further submissions for the plan change you are interested in, click directly on the search button.

You can also search for specific submissions – you can search by:

  • Submission number e.g. #25 (ensure you type a # before the submission number). The submission number is on the submission list.
  • Submitter name or organisation e.g. search 'Smith' for John Smith (search by surname, not full name and use the same spelling as in the submission list).
  • Topic e.g. ‘General’ or ‘Proposed Map L93’

To read the position and summary of the decision sought, click the arrow button on the left to view, and use the links in the right column to download the full submission and any supporting documents.

How to read the summary of decisions requested

Each submitter has been allocated a number and each of their submission points has a unique number. 
Example: Submission 2.3

  • 2 is the submitter number
  • 3 is the submission point number

Further submissions are identified as a ‘FS’. Click the black arrow beside the further submission number to see the primary submission, that the further submission has submitted on.  

The summary identifies whether each submission point supports (Support), seeks amendments (Amend),  opposes (Oppose) or is not stated and the decision requested.

Specific amendments sought by submitters are shown in red with strikethrough for deletions and underlined for additions. Specific amendments sought by further submitters are shown in blue with strikethrough for deletions and underlined for additions. Black text underlined or strikethrough are the provisions as notified in the plan change. Plain text indicates Operative Tauranga City Plan text.

Additional annotations use [square brackets] to assist interpretation.

The information is made up of summaries of the decisions requested in submissions. The report is not intended to be a summary of the submissions in their entirety and does not include reasons for the request or other supporting material included in the submissions. The original submission should be referred to if you are seeking to make a further submission, or to fully understand the issues raised by a submitter.

Where a submitter has selected or indicated a ‘Neutral’ position on PPC39, the following position has been applied in the summary:

  • the submission point has been allocated the ‘Not Stated’ position where no specific decision has been sought; or
  • the submission point has been allocated the ‘Amend’ position where a specific decision for amendment has been sought. 
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Tauranga City Council, Private Bag 12022, Tauranga, 3143, New Zealand